cities in China 中国城市
Cities Northern China 粒线体; 中国北方城市
major cities in China 中国35城市
agriculture-pasturage ecotone in Northern China 华北农牧交错带
calcareous soil in Northern China 北方石灰性土壤; 小波概率神经网络(WPNN)
desert region in northern China 中国北方荒漠区
desert regions in northern China 北方荒漠区
Drought and flood in Northern China 中国北方旱涝
drought in northern China 华北干旱
dryland field in Northern China 北方旱农地区
farming-grazing zone in northern China 中国北方农牧交错带
grassland in northern China 中国北方草原
Hilly area in northern China 北方山区
interlock area of farming-pasturing typical region in northern China 北方农牧交错带
cable digital TV networking in cities and counties 有线数字电视市县联网
car parking in cities 城市停车
children in cities and towns 城镇儿童
children of farmers working in cities 总排汽损失; 进城务工就业农民子女
China cities 中国城市